We understand that circumstances may affect your ability to pay for college, which may not be apparent, based on the information collected on your application for aid.
The FAFSA and CADAA are considered to be a "snapshot" of your situation, income, and resources as of the date the FAFSA or CADAA was submitted. The information included on the application reflects the earnings from two years prior for you (and your parents if you are a dependent student), as reported on your (and their) federal income tax return.
If your or your family’s financial situation has changed significantly from what is reflected on your federal income tax return (for example, if you’ve lost a job or otherwise experienced a drop in income), or if there has been a change to your relationship with your parents, you may be eligible to have your financial aid eligibility reviewed.
Whatever your financial situation is, we’ll support you along your journey to earning a degree at Cal Poly Pomona. Connect with one of our Financial Aid Advisors about your circumstances to begin the appeal process.
Types of Appeals
Most undergraduate students are dependent and must provide parent information on the FAFSA or CADAA. Students who have an adverse family situation (i.e., severe estrangement from parents, unsafe home environment, physical or emotional abuse, abandonment, experiencing homelessness, etc.) are encouraged to submit a Dependency Appeal.
If you are considered a Dependent Student, information about the Dependency Status Appeal will be displayed. You can appeal your dependency status if you are experiencing special (extenuating) circumstances, such as an adverse home situation. Please note that the following circumstances do not merit a dependency status appeal:
- Parents refuse to contribute to your education
- Parents are unwilling to provide information on your aid application or for verification
- Parents do not claim you as a dependent for income tax purposes
- You are able to demonstrate total self-sufficiency.
Begin the appeal process by submitting via Financial Aid Student Forms.
Information about the Family Contribution Appeal will display only for those students who have an EFC that is greater than $0. If there has been a significant reduction to your (student or parent) income from what was reported on the FAFSA or CADAA applications, our staff can work with you to determine if a Family Contribution Appeal is right for your situation. The Family Contribution Appeal process usually begins in April each year.
Begin the appeal process by submitting via Financial Aid Student Forms.
The Cost of Attendance Adjustment Request can be submitted if you believe the Cost of Attendance used in determining your financial aid was not sufficient to cover your actual expenses. Aid increases for approved Cost of Attendance Adjustment Requests will usually be in the form of additional loan eligibility. The Cost of Attendance Adjustment request process usually begins in late-June each year.
Begin the appeal process by submitting via Financial Aid Student Forms.
Cal Poly Pomona understands students may experience circumstances that impair their ability to be academically successful. Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) is a set of standards, required by federal law, that students must meet to receive Financial Aid. A complete description of Cal Poly Pomona's Policy can be found online. We encourage students who have been disqualified from Financial Aid due to not meeting SAP to submit an appeal for consideration of reinstating your eligibility for financial aid. If you need additional help with your SAP appeal, please visit our "Submitting a Successful SAP Appeal" webpage.